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LNG is Safer than Other Fuels

LNG characteristics comparison with other foissil fuels:


LNG Safety Demonstration Video:

LNG Safety FAQ:

The primary characteristics that make LNG safer than other fuels are:


  • Methane vapors are lighter than air and dissipate quickly, unlike other fuels that pool on the ground and create a greater fire hazard as well leaving behind slicks, sludges and other filthy residues.

  • Methane is non-toxic, most other common fuels are highly toxic.

  • LNG tanks are all double walled and very thick, making them much stronger and more robust than tanks for other fuels and chemicals.

  • Methane is not explosive in open air and is less flammable than other fuels.


Q: Is LNG flammable?


A: Natural gas vapors are flammable only within a gas-to-air concentration of 5 to 15 percent, which makes fires and similar incidents along the supply chain unlikely and exceedingly rare.


Q: Is LNG explosive?


A: No. LNG, as it returns to its gaseous state, will burn within a gas-to-air concentration of 5 to 15 percent, which is why it is a valuable fuel. LNG will not burn when it is in a liquid state.


Q: What would happen in the event of an LNG spill?


A: When exposed to the environment, LNG rapidly evaporates, leaving no residue on water or soil. As a result, long-term environmental impacts from a release are negligible if there is no ignition of natural gas vapors. LNG spills on water do not harm aquatic life or damage waterways in any way. As LNG vaporizes, the vapor cloud can ignite if there is a source of ignition, but otherwise LNG dissipates completely.



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